I first visited Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park about 5 years ago and I always wanted to return with my camera in hand. When I found out Jason grew up mere minutes from the park and played there often as I child it seemed like the perfect opportunity to head South. The day started out hot- over 30c degrees. I brought along my girls and my sisters’ family to have a picnic, play in the hoodoos and swim in the river. It was gorgeous. That is until the sky turned green and we had to pack up our stuff in a crazy panic trying to hide from the tornados (which never appeared). Between trying to pack up a distraught toddler (ever try to pull a 2 year old off the beach? not fun) and trying to text Julie to see what we should do chaos ensued. My family ended up heading back to Lethbridge while I waited out the Storm and then met with J&J. Somehow by the time we met up I was wearing pretty much the most ridiculous (soaked!) outfit ever (which may have or may not have included my sister’s hospital scrubs) Thank goodness Julie &Jason are the some of the sweetest, non-judgemental people ever 🙂 But the crazy storm passed and we were treated to a night of never ending gorgeous skies and warm air. We climbed throughout the hoodoos, Jason being our guide. I enjoyed hearing about how they met (true fate- he was moving out of an apartment, she was helping someone move into an apartment). All and all, it was such a great night. So happy it all worked out- I can’t wait to bring my girls out again when we have more time to explore.
Enjoy a very small sampling of our night together,
Gorgeous!! (as always)